Thursday 3 July 2014

The garden in June/early July

Anemones, one of the earliest spring perennials

Forget-me-not, another early bloomer

Allium amongst the cherry tree leaves

Perennial geranium

The bees love them. Slurp, slurp slurp!

Louis prefers to drink from the watering can

Then he curls up under the deck for a nap

Haskup (honeyberries)

The Haskup berry harvest

Pale pink dianthus

Darker pink dianthus

Peach-coloured irises along with clustered bellflower and purple petunias

Mesclun lettuce mix, ready for harvest

The first ripe strawberry of the season, with a bunch more getting ready to ripen. 
My favourite berries --yum!

My very vigorous rhubarb plant

Morden Centennial roses interspersed with perennial geraniums

My shade bed with (top to bottom) ferns, hosta and ladies mantle

The giant Sum and Substance hosta. Love it!

Mountain bluet, a.k.a. mountain cornflower 
(or Centaurea montana if you want to get really fancy!)

Stay tuned for the next instalment as the blooms in the garden evolve.


  1. Looks as if everything is starting to bloom!

    1. It sure is! I just love this time of year.
