Friday, 5 April 2013

Adult Education

I've spent the last two weeks (or is it three?) writing my final paper for my evening class.  As you can see, Leonard has been helping me.  Don't be fooled, he's not usually this relaxed.

The class I've been taking, which finished up on April 3rd, is Adult Education Principles and Practice.  It's part of a certificate program called Certificate of Adult and Continuing Education, through the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension.  This was my first course in the program, and is one of three required courses.  The other two are Adult Learning & Development and Planning & Delivery of Adult Education.  And then there are a whole bunch of electives that I can choose from.
It feels kind of odd to say I'm studying Adult Education, since I'm an adult and I'm being educated, and what I'm studying is adult education.  See what I mean?  Kind of a circular argument.  Very zen, isn't it? 
It's been a really interesting experience going back to school at this age (nearly 50!), and not without its challenges.  Trying to juggle work, choir, exercise class, church responsibilities, etc. etc....  Well, let's just say, I've come to realize I'm not as young as I used to be.

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