Saturday, 10 August 2013

Summer's not over yet!

We've had a number of cool days here lately, making it feel more like autumn than the beginning of August. I especially can't get over how chilly it feels in the evening. We have a summer student from Quebec at work and he keeps saying how it feels like summer is over, and I keep trying to assure him that this is unusual. It's just a blip, I keep telling him! We'll get more nice days yet before summer is over. (I sure hope I'm right!)

Meanwhile, the garden is still putting out its finery. This week the daylilies have started blooming, and I love them! I keep forgetting what colours I have so it's often a surprise when they do start to bloom. Unfortunately, each bloom only lasts for a day (hence the name) but luckily there are quite a few buds on each plant. I only know the names of a few of them.

This one is called Christmas Day. I got it at the Beverly Farmer's Market last year.
This is Catherine Woodbury. I got it as a bulb years ago, I think from Home Depot.
This is Stella d'Oro, which is the only one that tends to rebloom throughout the summer.
The Oriental lilies are also starting to bloom. I have them planted in two different spots and this one must get more light because it's already blooming whereas the other group is still in the bud stage.

I think this is Stargazer (or one that looks very similar to it)

I had a craving for BC peaches today so I headed off to the downtown farmer's market this morning. I ended up with a lot more than just peaches! Yummmm -- nothing like fresh produce!


1 comment:

  1. The Christmas Eve and the Catherine Woodbury are
    probably my favourites. Oh and that fresh produce. Oh and I see your new hat; did you wear that to go to the FM?
