Much as I hate to see summer come to an end, I gotta admit, there's nothing quite like the beauty of fall. The sun shining through yellow, orange and burgundy leaves, the crunch of walking on fallen leaves, the warm smell of it -- it's just indescribable. I actually haven't had a chance yet to get some good pictures of the fall colours. I hope to do that before all the leaves get blown off the trees.
I have been working in the yard trying to get things cleaned up for winter, pulling all the annuals from the pots, cutting down some of the more messy perennials and feeding it all to the compost bin.
I still need to haul the patio furniture and my bike down into the basement. Phew, makes me tired just thinking about it. Anyone want to lend a hand?
Fall weather calls for some pumpkin recipes and one of my favourites is Pumpkin Zucchini Loaf. I got this recipe from my friend Lois who passed away very suddenly a number of years ago and it always makes me think of her. I looked online and found the same recipe on several different websites including this one. The only thing I do differently is use pecans in place of walnuts.
I always like making a few mini loaves. They're just so cute and just the perfect size for one. I still have pumpkin left over so I'll be making some Pumpkin Hermit Cookies next. Stay tuned!
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I didn't realize that recipe came from Lois; I hope to bake some this week too. Sally looks as if she found a nice spot to warm herself.