Friday 28 June 2013

Back home

We arrived home at 10:00 Tuesday evening after nearly 24 hours of flying, from Prague, through Munich, then Toronto and finally to Edmonton. Phew, those long transatlantic flights are a killer. It felt great to be home. I've had the rest of this week off, which has been wonderful for easing back into this time zone.
After all the rain that happened while I was away, everything in the garden is growing like gangbusters, including the weeds. The daisies were also running rampant and had to be trimmed back substantially.
I was glad I arrived home just in time to pick the honeyberries. My two plants are still quite young and this is the most I've got from them so far. They're quite a tart berry and I need to figure out how best to use them. I think next year I'll try making some jam.
The rhubarb is also growing like crazy, so I made the German Rhubarb Cake from The Rhubarb Compendium and have been eating it for every meal since. So many rhubarb recipes, so little time!


Joy has asked me to write an article about our trip for the Albertaner, a monthly German-language newspaper. Thankfully someone else will be translating it into German.

By the way, the choir will be performing the concert that we did in Germany and Prague here in Edmonton on July 28th, so if you're in town, you may want to check it out. I think Joy said they'd put together a bit of a slide show of photos from the trip, so it should be a fun evening.



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