Thursday 20 June 2013


We arrived in the city of Erfurt on Monday, a very charming Thuringian city that we really enjoyed.

One of its special features is a bridge with homes and shops on it, the second oldest inhabited bridge in the world, second only to Florence.

Shops along the bridge

The Augustinian monastery where Martin Luther became a monk

The tiny little street next to the monastery


This city seems to have more of the half timber style of buildings. Our guide informed us a few days ago that half timber was considered a cheap form of construction since it was half wood instead of entirely made of stone. In the past, people would cover up the half timber construction with plaster to make it look like stone. So in reality, many buildings that look like stone are actually half timber that's been covered up.


1 comment:

  1. I love the bridge with homes on it -- looks wonderful!
