Thursday 20 June 2013

It's all about the food (and a giveaway!)

A few pics of the food we've been enjoying in Germany...


Buying fruit at the market

Pickle shopping at a roadside stop

Waiting for supper

Bratwurst with sauerkraut and fried potatoes

Apfelkuchen dessert

Salad with roast chicken breast, a change from bratwurst


A little jug of red wine


And now for the giveaway portion of the trip. I'm going to give a little prize to one lucky reader who leaves a comment on this blog post -- some German chocolate maybe?? Just leave a comment below and I'll choose a random winner. Contest ends Saturday, June 22 at midnight, Mountain Time. One entry per person please.

If you have trouble leaving a comment, the easiest way is to select Name/URL from the drop down menu.


  1. There appears to a fair amount of drinking - does this lead to "singing" secular songs in these food establishments? Should we be ready to wire bail money for the rowdy Canadians?

  2. It looks as if Caryn; Marilyn and ? are singing for their dinner or maybe the wine is just getting to them. Anyway it looks like you're having fun and that's the main thing!

  3. Hi Barb,
    I'm not only here to enter the contest for the chocolate, but to let you know that I'm loving your blog. What great photography and knowledge you pass on to us! Thanks.
