Tuesday 4 June 2013

So how's your German?

Yesterday evening, we had our last choir practice on Canadian soil!  Our next practice will be in Wittenberg, Germany.  Wittenberg will be our home base from June 10-16 and we'll be staying at Colleg Wittenberg.

My travel group of five is leaving Edmonton this Friday and we'll have a few days in Berlin before the official choir tour starts on Monday, June 10.

Our conductor, Joy, has asked a few of us who know a bit of German to read short introductions at our concerts about the music we're singing and the composers.  So I'm busy practicing my German pronunciation for the paragraph below.  Yikes, quite a mouthful.

Peter Sölken arbeitet als Komponist, aber auch als Musiklehrer und Chorleiter in Arnsberg.  Stephanie Martin ist als Kirchen musikerin in der anglikanischen Kirche in Toronto tätig; ebenso leitet sie Chöre in Toronto und unterichetet an der York Universität.

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