Thursday, 20 June 2013

Eisenach -- Wartburg Castle

On Tuesday, we took a day trip from Erfurt to Eisenach, where we visited the Wartburg Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with an interesting and varied history dating back to the Middle Ages.

The Hall of Minstrals where minstrals held competitions in a medieval version of American Idol

The Great Hall, which is now used for concerts and other performances as well as graduation ceremonies

The castle is also a museum and contains an interesting selection of artifacts, such as this suit of armour

A wooden board game, ca. 1625

Household cutlery

A plaque with an interesting description of the early Hutterites and their craftsmanship in cutlery making


When Martin Luther was in danger from the Pope and the Emperor for refusing to recant his Reformation ideas, his supporters spirited him away to Wartburg Castle where he stayed for almost a year under an assumed name. It is here that he first began his work of translating the Bible into the German vernacular.

Luther's room in the castle

The views from the castle are outstanding!



1 comment:

  1. Steve would love the circular wooden staircase & the beautifully carved wooden doors ...
